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Critical Infrastructure Resilience

International Network

An International Network focusing on critical infrastructure resilience, led by partnership of regional and national governments, currently coordinated by the Scottish Government


Welcome to CIRINT.NET

The global Critical Infrastructure Resilience (CIR) environment is changing dramatically, with the threats and hazards becoming increasing complex and trans-national in nature. In response, CIR stakeholders in Government, Industry and the Responder Community need to come together to exploit opportunities for sharing knowledge, experience and expertise, through international collaboration. This has created the opportunity to establish CIRINT.NET as a formal network of international CIR practitioners.

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Building Resilience of cross-border Critical Infrastructure
International Workshop on Collaborative Practices and Technologies for Critical Infrastructure Resilience

The International Workshop on Collaborative Practices and Technologies for Critical Infrastructure Resilience will take place online during the SICt project mid-term conference.

On October 2, 2020, selected international projects will share their experiences
on collaborative response planning and building Critical Infrastructure

The conference flyer with the program can be downloaded here

Registrations are open until September 25th through the form below. The details will be emailed by the organisers in the days before the conference. 

Workshop registration form

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International Workshop
Have any question? Contact us

Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

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