CIRINT.NET Global Membership Development Officer
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Colin McGowan BA as the CIRINT.NET Global Membership Development Officer.
Originally from Northern Ireland, Colin moved to Scotland in 1979 on completion of 5 years in the Military with the Royal Engineers serving in England, Germany and Northern Ireland.
Colin is a former Police Officer of 30 years experience, before retiring as a Superintendent in 2009. During his police service, he has held many specialist roles involving security and resilience and been involved at operational, tactical and strategic command levels in the development of local and national policy making, emergency plans / training / exercising and response to major incidents and disasters.
Colin has worked with Scottish Government on several resilience projects including the MiRACLE project, from which CIRINT.NET has evolved. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this newly established role and together we believe he can greatly develop the stakeholder membership and engagement.
Colin is now in post and would like to introduce himself and explain the role he will be undertaking.

Hi Everyone,
What a great opportunity to develop the CIRINT.NET membership and continue to support the 17 countries who started this network of supporting international collaboration in the field of Critical Infrastructure Resilience. With your help, we can increase and develop the network and allow even greater collaboration and sharing of best practice in this vital area.
It is my hope that building on the original membership we can swiftly establish a cadre of national/regional government points of contact in order to form a CIRINT.NET national coordination council. We will support the points of contact to:
Promote CIRINT.NET amongst their country’s/region’s Critical Infrastructure Stakeholders (Government, Infrastructure Operators, Responder communities and academia)
Encourage and support ‘Membership’ (Organisations) and ‘Participant’ (Individuals) sign-up to the network and participation in CIRINT.NET activities including Communities of Interest
Provide governmental assurance of the veracity of all 'member' and 'Participants' from that country/region
Represent the interests of all members from that country at the General Meeting of the CIRINT.NET or related meetings of the co-ordination council.
Along with the Scottish Government, Resilient Essential Services Team, we are currently bringing together the database of those who have collaborated with the MiRACLE project and I hope to start contacting each country/region very shortly with a view to establishing those points of engagement that will allow us to move forward. I will provide you with regular updates as the network expands.
I look forward to contacting you in the very near future but in the meantime if you wish to contact me my email address is:
Colin McGowan